\n",createdAt:1518596913,updatedAt:1662025920,__v:0,photo:"6238549376f91a0007aa3a56",englishExperience:"",englishIntroduction:"",englishName:"LI, XI-QIANG",englishOpen:!1}],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,materials:[{name:"標準泰國語-初級會話、中級會話",isbn:"2800000008239,2800000009052",information:'敦煌書局(02)87925024台北巿中山北路三段58號
\n",createdAt:1518597353,updatedAt:1713256422,__v:0,cover:"5a9d041bbb5a5000056fcd2a",link:"http://channelplus.ner.gov.tw/viewalllang/407",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一~周五",start:"11:30",end:"12:00"},podcastLink:"",englishName:"Standard Thai Conversation",englishTime:"Monday to Friday"},start:1737603e3,end:1737604800},{_id:"4",name:"彰化分臺FM",english:"Changhua Substation FM",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/4",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a771f90efcc4e00056e5fa0","5a77137aefcc4e00056e5ea4"],channels:["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],categories:["5a8d13907e67c800059f325f"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"61bc3418382799000703ebc6",name:"曼屏",email:"olivia@ner.gov.tw",facebook:"",introduction:'喜歡「創新」也欣賞「傳統」的價值。
\n',englishExperience:"",englishIntroduction:"",englishName:"HSIAO,MAN-PING",englishOpen:!1}],keywords:["海洋"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5fc4ac8bac542600060e2a8f",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"傾聽海洋",facebook:"",link:"",podcastLink:"",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每月第二、四(五)週週四上午",start:"11:05",end:"12:00"},introduction:'一、 節目構想:
二、 節目宗旨:本節目自110年開播,全年共製播28集,每集共分三個部分。
三、 播出時間:每月第二、四(五)週週四上午11:05-12:00。
四、 節目內容:
\n\n\n',cover:"620a17d47e78b900097410b7",createdAt:1606724747,updatedAt:1699263812,__v:0,englishOpen:!0,englishName:"Hearkening to the ocean",englishTime:"2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday Morning/Month",englishIntroduction:'
1. Synopsis:
\n\nIn April, 2018 Ocean Affairs Council was established in Executive Yuan and Ocean Basic Act was encoded in 2019. The National Marine Policy White Paper was enacted on 8th, June, 2020 which stipulates marine education policies should encourage general publics to engage in building a society which cherishes the understanding of proper usage and conservation of marine resources. The aims could be achieved via three major approaches: proper dissemination of marine-related scientific knowledge, intertwined relationship between marine and culture and interactions of marine literatures and mental appreciation. These approaches should enable the general publics to comprehend the overall feelings of ocean in terms of understanding, feeling and cherishing the importance of oceans.
2. Ways and means of the program:
\n\nThe program starts on Jan. 7, 2021. A total of 28 episodes are to be aired and each episode contains three sections.
Unit 1. Conservations with scientists on ocean-related topics.
\n\nUnit 2. The interconnections between ocean and daily lives.
\n\nUnit 3. The citation of poems by poets on ocean related themes.
The program is intended to invite marine scientists, local artists and historians, ocean explorers, educators and writers to participate in this program with aims to promote the understanding of general publics to appreciate the understanding of seas around Taiwan and to learn and protect the environments.
3. Airing time: 11:05-12:00 on 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday.
\n\nUnit 1:「 Understanding of ocean」. Exerts of various disciplines of marine sciences are interviewed.
\n\nUnit 2: 「Comprehending of ocean」. Historians, writers and professionals are invited to share their understandings of the lives related to marine environments.
\n\nUnit 3. 「Reading of the ocean」Reading of the ocean. Young poets are invited to recite the work related to marines.
Each episode starts with the introduction of a specific scientific topic related to marine to bring out the essence of literature which is associated with culture and literatures. It ends with a poem to entice the audiences with knowledge and appreciation of ocean.
\n'},start:1737601500,end:1737604800},{_id:"5",name:"高雄分臺",english:"Kaohsiung Substation",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/5",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a771f90efcc4e00056e5fa0","5a77137aefcc4e00056e5ea4"],channels:["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],categories:["5a8d13907e67c800059f325f"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"61bc3418382799000703ebc6",name:"曼屏",email:"olivia@ner.gov.tw",facebook:"",introduction:'喜歡「創新」也欣賞「傳統」的價值。
\n',englishExperience:"",englishIntroduction:"",englishName:"HSIAO,MAN-PING",englishOpen:!1}],keywords:["海洋"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5fc4ac8bac542600060e2a8f",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"傾聽海洋",facebook:"",link:"",podcastLink:"",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每月第二、四(五)週週四上午",start:"11:05",end:"12:00"},introduction:'一、 節目構想:
二、 節目宗旨:本節目自110年開播,全年共製播28集,每集共分三個部分。
三、 播出時間:每月第二、四(五)週週四上午11:05-12:00。
四、 節目內容:
\n\n\n',cover:"620a17d47e78b900097410b7",createdAt:1606724747,updatedAt:1699263812,__v:0,englishOpen:!0,englishName:"Hearkening to the ocean",englishTime:"2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday Morning/Month",englishIntroduction:'
1. Synopsis:
\n\nIn April, 2018 Ocean Affairs Council was established in Executive Yuan and Ocean Basic Act was encoded in 2019. The National Marine Policy White Paper was enacted on 8th, June, 2020 which stipulates marine education policies should encourage general publics to engage in building a society which cherishes the understanding of proper usage and conservation of marine resources. The aims could be achieved via three major approaches: proper dissemination of marine-related scientific knowledge, intertwined relationship between marine and culture and interactions of marine literatures and mental appreciation. These approaches should enable the general publics to comprehend the overall feelings of ocean in terms of understanding, feeling and cherishing the importance of oceans.
2. Ways and means of the program:
\n\nThe program starts on Jan. 7, 2021. A total of 28 episodes are to be aired and each episode contains three sections.
Unit 1. Conservations with scientists on ocean-related topics.
\n\nUnit 2. The interconnections between ocean and daily lives.
\n\nUnit 3. The citation of poems by poets on ocean related themes.
The program is intended to invite marine scientists, local artists and historians, ocean explorers, educators and writers to participate in this program with aims to promote the understanding of general publics to appreciate the understanding of seas around Taiwan and to learn and protect the environments.
3. Airing time: 11:05-12:00 on 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday.
\n\nUnit 1:「 Understanding of ocean」. Exerts of various disciplines of marine sciences are interviewed.
\n\nUnit 2: 「Comprehending of ocean」. Historians, writers and professionals are invited to share their understandings of the lives related to marine environments.
\n\nUnit 3. 「Reading of the ocean」Reading of the ocean. Young poets are invited to recite the work related to marines.
Each episode starts with the introduction of a specific scientific topic related to marine to bring out the essence of literature which is associated with culture and literatures. It ends with a poem to entice the audiences with knowledge and appreciation of ocean.
\n'},start:1737601500,end:1737604800},{_id:"6",name:"臺東分臺FM-1",english:"Taitung Substation FM-1",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/6",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a771f90efcc4e00056e5fa0","5a77137aefcc4e00056e5ea4"],channels:["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],categories:["5a8d13907e67c800059f325f"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"61bc3418382799000703ebc6",name:"曼屏",email:"olivia@ner.gov.tw",facebook:"",introduction:'喜歡「創新」也欣賞「傳統」的價值。
\n',englishExperience:"",englishIntroduction:"",englishName:"HSIAO,MAN-PING",englishOpen:!1}],keywords:["海洋"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5fc4ac8bac542600060e2a8f",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"傾聽海洋",facebook:"",link:"",podcastLink:"",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每月第二、四(五)週週四上午",start:"11:05",end:"12:00"},introduction:'一、 節目構想:
二、 節目宗旨:本節目自110年開播,全年共製播28集,每集共分三個部分。
三、 播出時間:每月第二、四(五)週週四上午11:05-12:00。
四、 節目內容:
\n\n\n',cover:"620a17d47e78b900097410b7",createdAt:1606724747,updatedAt:1699263812,__v:0,englishOpen:!0,englishName:"Hearkening to the ocean",englishTime:"2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday Morning/Month",englishIntroduction:'
1. Synopsis:
\n\nIn April, 2018 Ocean Affairs Council was established in Executive Yuan and Ocean Basic Act was encoded in 2019. The National Marine Policy White Paper was enacted on 8th, June, 2020 which stipulates marine education policies should encourage general publics to engage in building a society which cherishes the understanding of proper usage and conservation of marine resources. The aims could be achieved via three major approaches: proper dissemination of marine-related scientific knowledge, intertwined relationship between marine and culture and interactions of marine literatures and mental appreciation. These approaches should enable the general publics to comprehend the overall feelings of ocean in terms of understanding, feeling and cherishing the importance of oceans.
2. Ways and means of the program:
\n\nThe program starts on Jan. 7, 2021. A total of 28 episodes are to be aired and each episode contains three sections.
Unit 1. Conservations with scientists on ocean-related topics.
\n\nUnit 2. The interconnections between ocean and daily lives.
\n\nUnit 3. The citation of poems by poets on ocean related themes.
The program is intended to invite marine scientists, local artists and historians, ocean explorers, educators and writers to participate in this program with aims to promote the understanding of general publics to appreciate the understanding of seas around Taiwan and to learn and protect the environments.
3. Airing time: 11:05-12:00 on 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday.
\n\nUnit 1:「 Understanding of ocean」. Exerts of various disciplines of marine sciences are interviewed.
\n\nUnit 2: 「Comprehending of ocean」. Historians, writers and professionals are invited to share their understandings of the lives related to marine environments.
\n\nUnit 3. 「Reading of the ocean」Reading of the ocean. Young poets are invited to recite the work related to marines.
Each episode starts with the introduction of a specific scientific topic related to marine to bring out the essence of literature which is associated with culture and literatures. It ends with a poem to entice the audiences with knowledge and appreciation of ocean.
\n'},start:1737601500,end:1737604800},{_id:"7",name:"臺東分臺FM-2",english:"Taitung Substation FM-2",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/7",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a8e63fc565344000691fb6e","5a8e63ba565344000691fb6a","5a83e984bd7e500005542827","61233704894e730007b0e180","5fcd931fa530430007b22127"],channels:["7"],categories:["5a8d13807e67c800059f325b"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f332fa594401cf74ba71",name:"恩容",email:"esther@ner.gov.tw",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/fm100.5nakasi",introduction:'台東&花蓮阿美族人
\n\n110年主持「慢活臺東Slow Living in Taitung」節目。
\n\n107文創產業新聞報導獎獲獎與胡美足、林睿鵬共同製作「多元平台 原鄉文創新風貌」
\n\n105年製播總臺20分鐘「 聽見在地教育」單元。
\n\n|你點‧我播|開放call-in/粉專留言 點播歌曲
\n\n|週四優勢日 優勢卡我與他|公益協會X好事日常帶大家看見自己、他人優勢,建立良好人際關係
The program "Family is the place where people learn to love and be loved throughout their lives" will provide knowledge and methods on family life education, inviting lecturers, volunteers, professors, and citizens to share and exchange ideas. The program will also bring good strategies to life, allowing a little more love into the home every day to warm up our relationship with our loved ones.
\n',englishName:"Family - A little more love",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Monday to Friday 11:00-12:00"},start:1737601200,end:1737604800},{_id:"8",name:"花蓮分臺FM-1",english:"Hualien Substation FM-1",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/8",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a771f90efcc4e00056e5fa0","5a77137aefcc4e00056e5ea4"],channels:["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],categories:["5a8d13907e67c800059f325f"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"61bc3418382799000703ebc6",name:"曼屏",email:"olivia@ner.gov.tw",facebook:"",introduction:'喜歡「創新」也欣賞「傳統」的價值。
\n',englishExperience:"",englishIntroduction:"",englishName:"HSIAO,MAN-PING",englishOpen:!1}],keywords:["海洋"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5fc4ac8bac542600060e2a8f",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"傾聽海洋",facebook:"",link:"",podcastLink:"",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每月第二、四(五)週週四上午",start:"11:05",end:"12:00"},introduction:'一、 節目構想:
二、 節目宗旨:本節目自110年開播,全年共製播28集,每集共分三個部分。
三、 播出時間:每月第二、四(五)週週四上午11:05-12:00。
四、 節目內容:
\n\n\n',cover:"620a17d47e78b900097410b7",createdAt:1606724747,updatedAt:1699263812,__v:0,englishOpen:!0,englishName:"Hearkening to the ocean",englishTime:"2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday Morning/Month",englishIntroduction:'
1. Synopsis:
\n\nIn April, 2018 Ocean Affairs Council was established in Executive Yuan and Ocean Basic Act was encoded in 2019. The National Marine Policy White Paper was enacted on 8th, June, 2020 which stipulates marine education policies should encourage general publics to engage in building a society which cherishes the understanding of proper usage and conservation of marine resources. The aims could be achieved via three major approaches: proper dissemination of marine-related scientific knowledge, intertwined relationship between marine and culture and interactions of marine literatures and mental appreciation. These approaches should enable the general publics to comprehend the overall feelings of ocean in terms of understanding, feeling and cherishing the importance of oceans.
2. Ways and means of the program:
\n\nThe program starts on Jan. 7, 2021. A total of 28 episodes are to be aired and each episode contains three sections.
Unit 1. Conservations with scientists on ocean-related topics.
\n\nUnit 2. The interconnections between ocean and daily lives.
\n\nUnit 3. The citation of poems by poets on ocean related themes.
The program is intended to invite marine scientists, local artists and historians, ocean explorers, educators and writers to participate in this program with aims to promote the understanding of general publics to appreciate the understanding of seas around Taiwan and to learn and protect the environments.
3. Airing time: 11:05-12:00 on 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday.
\n\nUnit 1:「 Understanding of ocean」. Exerts of various disciplines of marine sciences are interviewed.
\n\nUnit 2: 「Comprehending of ocean」. Historians, writers and professionals are invited to share their understandings of the lives related to marine environments.
\n\nUnit 3. 「Reading of the ocean」Reading of the ocean. Young poets are invited to recite the work related to marines.
Each episode starts with the introduction of a specific scientific topic related to marine to bring out the essence of literature which is associated with culture and literatures. It ends with a poem to entice the audiences with knowledge and appreciation of ocean.
\n'},start:1737601500,end:1737604800},{_id:"9",name:"花蓮分臺FM-2",english:"Hualien Substation FM-2",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/9",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a771f90efcc4e00056e5fa0","5a77137aefcc4e00056e5ea4"],channels:["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],categories:["5a8d13907e67c800059f325f"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"61bc3418382799000703ebc6",name:"曼屏",email:"olivia@ner.gov.tw",facebook:"",introduction:'喜歡「創新」也欣賞「傳統」的價值。
\n',englishExperience:"",englishIntroduction:"",englishName:"HSIAO,MAN-PING",englishOpen:!1}],keywords:["海洋"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5fc4ac8bac542600060e2a8f",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"傾聽海洋",facebook:"",link:"",podcastLink:"",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每月第二、四(五)週週四上午",start:"11:05",end:"12:00"},introduction:'一、 節目構想:
二、 節目宗旨:本節目自110年開播,全年共製播28集,每集共分三個部分。
三、 播出時間:每月第二、四(五)週週四上午11:05-12:00。
四、 節目內容:
\n\n\n',cover:"620a17d47e78b900097410b7",createdAt:1606724747,updatedAt:1699263812,__v:0,englishOpen:!0,englishName:"Hearkening to the ocean",englishTime:"2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday Morning/Month",englishIntroduction:'
1. Synopsis:
\n\nIn April, 2018 Ocean Affairs Council was established in Executive Yuan and Ocean Basic Act was encoded in 2019. The National Marine Policy White Paper was enacted on 8th, June, 2020 which stipulates marine education policies should encourage general publics to engage in building a society which cherishes the understanding of proper usage and conservation of marine resources. The aims could be achieved via three major approaches: proper dissemination of marine-related scientific knowledge, intertwined relationship between marine and culture and interactions of marine literatures and mental appreciation. These approaches should enable the general publics to comprehend the overall feelings of ocean in terms of understanding, feeling and cherishing the importance of oceans.
2. Ways and means of the program:
\n\nThe program starts on Jan. 7, 2021. A total of 28 episodes are to be aired and each episode contains three sections.
Unit 1. Conservations with scientists on ocean-related topics.
\n\nUnit 2. The interconnections between ocean and daily lives.
\n\nUnit 3. The citation of poems by poets on ocean related themes.
The program is intended to invite marine scientists, local artists and historians, ocean explorers, educators and writers to participate in this program with aims to promote the understanding of general publics to appreciate the understanding of seas around Taiwan and to learn and protect the environments.
3. Airing time: 11:05-12:00 on 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursday.
\n\nUnit 1:「 Understanding of ocean」. Exerts of various disciplines of marine sciences are interviewed.
\n\nUnit 2: 「Comprehending of ocean」. Historians, writers and professionals are invited to share their understandings of the lives related to marine environments.
\n\nUnit 3. 「Reading of the ocean」Reading of the ocean. Young poets are invited to recite the work related to marines.
Each episode starts with the introduction of a specific scientific topic related to marine to bring out the essence of literature which is associated with culture and literatures. It ends with a poem to entice the audiences with knowledge and appreciation of ocean.