\n2. 大型晚會主持─
\n\n教育部第三、四屆師韻獎歌唱比賽 主持人
\n3. 配音作品─大遠百、夢時代、漢神巨蛋店內進客送客帶
\n4. 課程─大遠百客服人員、台糖量販客服人員聲音表情訓練課程
\n\n\n',createdAt:1518596913,updatedAt:1666763453,__v:0,photo:"621d7f4d7e78b9000978d494",englishName:"Dong Niang",englishOpen:!1},{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74ba16",name:"巴佑.阿明(江楓杰)",email:"fonjay@hotmail.com",facebook:"",introduction:"
\nTHUMP BOXING澳洲拳擊體適能指導員證照
\n瑜伽輪師資培訓課程 stacy yoga studio
\nWorldGym空中體適能 研習合格
\nYOGAFIT美國瑜珈體適能Level1 ~ level5指導員證照
\n美國瑜珈聯盟Yoga AllianceRYT 200教學認證
\n挪威redcord Active Intro 懸吊運動訓練指導員證照
\nAFAA Pilates專修課程 證書
\nRebounder 彈跳床培訓合格
\n\n慈濟大學 原住民健康研究所 原住民國小健康教育課程設計 專任助理
\n\n救國團花蓮縣團委會 活動組 活動企劃員
\n\n花蓮曾記麻薯 員工內訓教育 活動指導員
\n\n節目中我們將尋找隱藏在臺灣各個角落的職人,從平凡中挖掘不平凡的人事物。每一位職人都曾是豐富臺灣這片土地的重要養份,透過廣播節目我們將傳遞職人們特有的熱血與活力,紀錄Made in Taiwan最本土的打拼精神,就讓「MIT職人寫真集」帶領聽眾們一起體驗生命的精采與感動。
\n',createdAt:1518597353,updatedAt:1644806908,__v:0,cover:"6209c2fa7e78b9000973f614",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周六~日",start:"21:30",end:"22:00"},podcastLink:"",englishName:"MIT Craftsmen Photo Album",englishOpen:!1,englishTime:"Saturday to Sunday"},start:1739021400,end:1739023200},{_id:"4",name:"彰化分臺FM",english:"Changhua Substation FM",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/4",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63","5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5dd6402801c349000b431180","661345182cdfb40008332c94"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6","7","3"],categories:["5a8d13997e67c800059f3261"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74b9be",name:"陳燕柔",email:"leia_chen@hotmail.com",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%99%9A%E5%AE%89%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B%E5%B1%8B/389950604476851",introduction:'1.每週六、日21:30-22:00"晚安故事屋"節目主持人
The "Good Night! Story House" program combines stories, theater and diverse themes, and in recent years has encouraged children to start text creation after reading a lot. The program integrates activities such as the Ministry of Education's reading program, the "Deep Root Reading Project", and the "Fresh Readers in Elementary Schools" ......, inviting parents and children, teachers and students to participate in story recording and sharing of reading creation, increasing students' participation and providing them with a stage for a performance.
\n\nIntroduction to each module:
\n\n1. Good Night Stories - Through thematic stories, children can appreciate art, learn character, cherish the earth, love reading and be imperceptibly influenced.
\n\n2. The Taipei Children's Story Box - Parents, teachers and students who have won the High Distinction Award in Scriptworks of the Taipei City's Children’s Roots in Reading Plan will be invited to participate in storytelling, reading, and script creation sharing, increasing students' participation, providing a stage for students to perform, and interviewing Mandarin teachers to guide and advise children on artistic-creative skills.
\n\n3. Good Night Theatre - We have long been committed to promoting children roots in reading activities for a long time, hoping to cultivate children's extensive reading, and we are happy to see children's reading progress from picture books to early chapter books and then to children's literature, with a wide variety of books to choose from. However, with the influence of Western culture, we have seen many foreign translated books but very few of our literary works and books. Therefore, we have selected to broadcast a selection of recent literary classics, adapting the general idea to a radio play with music and audio effect, sounds and expressions transforming the static textual story into a physical audio drama, plus post-production editing and ambiance music to form the main body of the program, not only bringing children into the world of classical literature but also passing on the eternal warmth and emotion of this timeless generation.
4. Newton may not know, but you must know - always up to date with the latest in natural science and technology.
\n\n5. Child Global Ambassador - Given the trends of "digitization" and "globalization", the children of tomorrow should have "communication skills", "adaptability", "professionalism", "practicality", and be able to move freely in the international arena. The communication skills should include learning international languages and having an international perspective to be able to see the world from Taiwan. The 2-3 minute bilingual units are designed to be based on topics that are happening in the world or are used in daily life, and the teachers are invited to have conversations with the children contextually so that the children can improve their English listening, speaking skills and global perspective.
\n\n6. Idiom Story - Select classical idioms to be told in story form so that children can learn and understand the meaning and application of idioms while listening to the story.
\n\n7. Come and read tonight - your most important book, it may be the first fairy tale your mother tells at your bedside, it may be a book that changed the direction of your life, it may be a book that taught you about yourself ....... For roughly 2 minutes, a principal or director of each primary school will recommend a book that is suitable for your child or that you are reading and loving, read and share.
\n',englishName:"Good Night! Story House",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Saturday and Sunday"},start:1739021400,end:1739023200},{_id:"5",name:"高雄分臺",english:"Kaohsiung Substation",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/5",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63","5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5dd6402801c349000b431180","661345182cdfb40008332c94"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6","7","3"],categories:["5a8d13997e67c800059f3261"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74b9be",name:"陳燕柔",email:"leia_chen@hotmail.com",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%99%9A%E5%AE%89%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B%E5%B1%8B/389950604476851",introduction:'1.每週六、日21:30-22:00"晚安故事屋"節目主持人
The "Good Night! Story House" program combines stories, theater and diverse themes, and in recent years has encouraged children to start text creation after reading a lot. The program integrates activities such as the Ministry of Education's reading program, the "Deep Root Reading Project", and the "Fresh Readers in Elementary Schools" ......, inviting parents and children, teachers and students to participate in story recording and sharing of reading creation, increasing students' participation and providing them with a stage for a performance.
\n\nIntroduction to each module:
\n\n1. Good Night Stories - Through thematic stories, children can appreciate art, learn character, cherish the earth, love reading and be imperceptibly influenced.
\n\n2. The Taipei Children's Story Box - Parents, teachers and students who have won the High Distinction Award in Scriptworks of the Taipei City's Children’s Roots in Reading Plan will be invited to participate in storytelling, reading, and script creation sharing, increasing students' participation, providing a stage for students to perform, and interviewing Mandarin teachers to guide and advise children on artistic-creative skills.
\n\n3. Good Night Theatre - We have long been committed to promoting children roots in reading activities for a long time, hoping to cultivate children's extensive reading, and we are happy to see children's reading progress from picture books to early chapter books and then to children's literature, with a wide variety of books to choose from. However, with the influence of Western culture, we have seen many foreign translated books but very few of our literary works and books. Therefore, we have selected to broadcast a selection of recent literary classics, adapting the general idea to a radio play with music and audio effect, sounds and expressions transforming the static textual story into a physical audio drama, plus post-production editing and ambiance music to form the main body of the program, not only bringing children into the world of classical literature but also passing on the eternal warmth and emotion of this timeless generation.
4. Newton may not know, but you must know - always up to date with the latest in natural science and technology.
\n\n5. Child Global Ambassador - Given the trends of "digitization" and "globalization", the children of tomorrow should have "communication skills", "adaptability", "professionalism", "practicality", and be able to move freely in the international arena. The communication skills should include learning international languages and having an international perspective to be able to see the world from Taiwan. The 2-3 minute bilingual units are designed to be based on topics that are happening in the world or are used in daily life, and the teachers are invited to have conversations with the children contextually so that the children can improve their English listening, speaking skills and global perspective.
\n\n6. Idiom Story - Select classical idioms to be told in story form so that children can learn and understand the meaning and application of idioms while listening to the story.
\n\n7. Come and read tonight - your most important book, it may be the first fairy tale your mother tells at your bedside, it may be a book that changed the direction of your life, it may be a book that taught you about yourself ....... For roughly 2 minutes, a principal or director of each primary school will recommend a book that is suitable for your child or that you are reading and loving, read and share.
\n',englishName:"Good Night! Story House",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Saturday and Sunday"},start:1739021400,end:1739023200},{_id:"6",name:"臺東分臺FM-1",english:"Taitung Substation FM-1",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/6",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63","5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5dd6402801c349000b431180","661345182cdfb40008332c94"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6","7","3"],categories:["5a8d13997e67c800059f3261"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74b9be",name:"陳燕柔",email:"leia_chen@hotmail.com",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%99%9A%E5%AE%89%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B%E5%B1%8B/389950604476851",introduction:'1.每週六、日21:30-22:00"晚安故事屋"節目主持人
The "Good Night! Story House" program combines stories, theater and diverse themes, and in recent years has encouraged children to start text creation after reading a lot. The program integrates activities such as the Ministry of Education's reading program, the "Deep Root Reading Project", and the "Fresh Readers in Elementary Schools" ......, inviting parents and children, teachers and students to participate in story recording and sharing of reading creation, increasing students' participation and providing them with a stage for a performance.
\n\nIntroduction to each module:
\n\n1. Good Night Stories - Through thematic stories, children can appreciate art, learn character, cherish the earth, love reading and be imperceptibly influenced.
\n\n2. The Taipei Children's Story Box - Parents, teachers and students who have won the High Distinction Award in Scriptworks of the Taipei City's Children’s Roots in Reading Plan will be invited to participate in storytelling, reading, and script creation sharing, increasing students' participation, providing a stage for students to perform, and interviewing Mandarin teachers to guide and advise children on artistic-creative skills.
\n\n3. Good Night Theatre - We have long been committed to promoting children roots in reading activities for a long time, hoping to cultivate children's extensive reading, and we are happy to see children's reading progress from picture books to early chapter books and then to children's literature, with a wide variety of books to choose from. However, with the influence of Western culture, we have seen many foreign translated books but very few of our literary works and books. Therefore, we have selected to broadcast a selection of recent literary classics, adapting the general idea to a radio play with music and audio effect, sounds and expressions transforming the static textual story into a physical audio drama, plus post-production editing and ambiance music to form the main body of the program, not only bringing children into the world of classical literature but also passing on the eternal warmth and emotion of this timeless generation.
4. Newton may not know, but you must know - always up to date with the latest in natural science and technology.
\n\n5. Child Global Ambassador - Given the trends of "digitization" and "globalization", the children of tomorrow should have "communication skills", "adaptability", "professionalism", "practicality", and be able to move freely in the international arena. The communication skills should include learning international languages and having an international perspective to be able to see the world from Taiwan. The 2-3 minute bilingual units are designed to be based on topics that are happening in the world or are used in daily life, and the teachers are invited to have conversations with the children contextually so that the children can improve their English listening, speaking skills and global perspective.
\n\n6. Idiom Story - Select classical idioms to be told in story form so that children can learn and understand the meaning and application of idioms while listening to the story.
\n\n7. Come and read tonight - your most important book, it may be the first fairy tale your mother tells at your bedside, it may be a book that changed the direction of your life, it may be a book that taught you about yourself ....... For roughly 2 minutes, a principal or director of each primary school will recommend a book that is suitable for your child or that you are reading and loving, read and share.
\n',englishName:"Good Night! Story House",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Saturday and Sunday"},start:1739021400,end:1739023200},{_id:"7",name:"臺東分臺FM-2",english:"Taitung Substation FM-2",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/7",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a7713e4efcc4e00056e5eae","5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63"],channels:["1","2","4","5","8","6","7","3","9"],categories:["5a8d13807e67c800059f325b","5a8d137a7e67c800059f3259"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74ba47",name:"董立(董娘)",email:"",facebook:"",introduction:'董立為資深廣播人,現任教育電台主持人、灰姑娘音樂公司專業配音員,曾擔任中廣高雄台、漢聲電台、TOUCH廣播網、漁業廣播電台等電臺之記者、主持人。曾入圍90年廣播金鐘獎-最佳新聞採訪獎、108年廣播金鐘企劃編撰獎入圍、109年廣播金鐘企劃編撰獎、110年廣播金鐘藝術文化節目...
1. 廣播─中廣高雄台 流行青春七至九 漢聲電台 早安漢聲 TOUCH廣播網 火線追緝 漁業廣播電台 藍色公路
\n2. 大型晚會主持─
教育部第三、四屆師韻獎歌唱比賽 主持人
\n3. 配音作品─大遠百、夢時代、漢神巨蛋店內進客送客帶
\n4. 課程─大遠百客服人員、台糖量販客服人員聲音表情訓練課程
\n\n\n',createdAt:1518596913,updatedAt:1666763453,__v:0,photo:"621d7f4d7e78b9000978d494",englishName:"Dong Niang",englishOpen:!1},{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74ba16",name:"巴佑.阿明(江楓杰)",email:"fonjay@hotmail.com",facebook:"",introduction:"
\nTHUMP BOXING澳洲拳擊體適能指導員證照
\n瑜伽輪師資培訓課程 stacy yoga studio
\nWorldGym空中體適能 研習合格
\nYOGAFIT美國瑜珈體適能Level1 ~ level5指導員證照
\n美國瑜珈聯盟Yoga AllianceRYT 200教學認證
\n挪威redcord Active Intro 懸吊運動訓練指導員證照
\nAFAA Pilates專修課程 證書
\nRebounder 彈跳床培訓合格
\n\n慈濟大學 原住民健康研究所 原住民國小健康教育課程設計 專任助理
\n\n救國團花蓮縣團委會 活動組 活動企劃員
\n\n花蓮曾記麻薯 員工內訓教育 活動指導員
\n\n節目中我們將尋找隱藏在臺灣各個角落的職人,從平凡中挖掘不平凡的人事物。每一位職人都曾是豐富臺灣這片土地的重要養份,透過廣播節目我們將傳遞職人們特有的熱血與活力,紀錄Made in Taiwan最本土的打拼精神,就讓「MIT職人寫真集」帶領聽眾們一起體驗生命的精采與感動。
\n',createdAt:1518597353,updatedAt:1644806908,__v:0,cover:"6209c2fa7e78b9000973f614",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周六~日",start:"21:30",end:"22:00"},podcastLink:"",englishName:"MIT Craftsmen Photo Album",englishOpen:!1,englishTime:"Saturday to Sunday"},start:1739021400,end:1739023200},{_id:"8",name:"花蓮分臺FM-1",english:"Hualien Substation FM-1",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/8",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63","5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5dd6402801c349000b431180","661345182cdfb40008332c94"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6","7","3"],categories:["5a8d13997e67c800059f3261"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74b9be",name:"陳燕柔",email:"leia_chen@hotmail.com",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%99%9A%E5%AE%89%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B%E5%B1%8B/389950604476851",introduction:'1.每週六、日21:30-22:00"晚安故事屋"節目主持人
The "Good Night! Story House" program combines stories, theater and diverse themes, and in recent years has encouraged children to start text creation after reading a lot. The program integrates activities such as the Ministry of Education's reading program, the "Deep Root Reading Project", and the "Fresh Readers in Elementary Schools" ......, inviting parents and children, teachers and students to participate in story recording and sharing of reading creation, increasing students' participation and providing them with a stage for a performance.
\n\nIntroduction to each module:
\n\n1. Good Night Stories - Through thematic stories, children can appreciate art, learn character, cherish the earth, love reading and be imperceptibly influenced.
\n\n2. The Taipei Children's Story Box - Parents, teachers and students who have won the High Distinction Award in Scriptworks of the Taipei City's Children’s Roots in Reading Plan will be invited to participate in storytelling, reading, and script creation sharing, increasing students' participation, providing a stage for students to perform, and interviewing Mandarin teachers to guide and advise children on artistic-creative skills.
\n\n3. Good Night Theatre - We have long been committed to promoting children roots in reading activities for a long time, hoping to cultivate children's extensive reading, and we are happy to see children's reading progress from picture books to early chapter books and then to children's literature, with a wide variety of books to choose from. However, with the influence of Western culture, we have seen many foreign translated books but very few of our literary works and books. Therefore, we have selected to broadcast a selection of recent literary classics, adapting the general idea to a radio play with music and audio effect, sounds and expressions transforming the static textual story into a physical audio drama, plus post-production editing and ambiance music to form the main body of the program, not only bringing children into the world of classical literature but also passing on the eternal warmth and emotion of this timeless generation.
4. Newton may not know, but you must know - always up to date with the latest in natural science and technology.
\n\n5. Child Global Ambassador - Given the trends of "digitization" and "globalization", the children of tomorrow should have "communication skills", "adaptability", "professionalism", "practicality", and be able to move freely in the international arena. The communication skills should include learning international languages and having an international perspective to be able to see the world from Taiwan. The 2-3 minute bilingual units are designed to be based on topics that are happening in the world or are used in daily life, and the teachers are invited to have conversations with the children contextually so that the children can improve their English listening, speaking skills and global perspective.
\n\n6. Idiom Story - Select classical idioms to be told in story form so that children can learn and understand the meaning and application of idioms while listening to the story.
\n\n7. Come and read tonight - your most important book, it may be the first fairy tale your mother tells at your bedside, it may be a book that changed the direction of your life, it may be a book that taught you about yourself ....... For roughly 2 minutes, a principal or director of each primary school will recommend a book that is suitable for your child or that you are reading and loving, read and share.
\n',englishName:"Good Night! Story House",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Saturday and Sunday"},start:1739021400,end:1739023200},{_id:"9",name:"花蓮分臺FM-2",english:"Hualien Substation FM-2",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/9",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63","5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5dd6402801c349000b431180","661345182cdfb40008332c94"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6","7","3"],categories:["5a8d13997e67c800059f3261"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a83f331fa594401cf74b9be",name:"陳燕柔",email:"leia_chen@hotmail.com",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%99%9A%E5%AE%89%E6%95%85%E4%BA%8B%E5%B1%8B/389950604476851",introduction:'1.每週六、日21:30-22:00"晚安故事屋"節目主持人
The "Good Night! Story House" program combines stories, theater and diverse themes, and in recent years has encouraged children to start text creation after reading a lot. The program integrates activities such as the Ministry of Education's reading program, the "Deep Root Reading Project", and the "Fresh Readers in Elementary Schools" ......, inviting parents and children, teachers and students to participate in story recording and sharing of reading creation, increasing students' participation and providing them with a stage for a performance.
\n\nIntroduction to each module:
\n\n1. Good Night Stories - Through thematic stories, children can appreciate art, learn character, cherish the earth, love reading and be imperceptibly influenced.
\n\n2. The Taipei Children's Story Box - Parents, teachers and students who have won the High Distinction Award in Scriptworks of the Taipei City's Children’s Roots in Reading Plan will be invited to participate in storytelling, reading, and script creation sharing, increasing students' participation, providing a stage for students to perform, and interviewing Mandarin teachers to guide and advise children on artistic-creative skills.
\n\n3. Good Night Theatre - We have long been committed to promoting children roots in reading activities for a long time, hoping to cultivate children's extensive reading, and we are happy to see children's reading progress from picture books to early chapter books and then to children's literature, with a wide variety of books to choose from. However, with the influence of Western culture, we have seen many foreign translated books but very few of our literary works and books. Therefore, we have selected to broadcast a selection of recent literary classics, adapting the general idea to a radio play with music and audio effect, sounds and expressions transforming the static textual story into a physical audio drama, plus post-production editing and ambiance music to form the main body of the program, not only bringing children into the world of classical literature but also passing on the eternal warmth and emotion of this timeless generation.
4. Newton may not know, but you must know - always up to date with the latest in natural science and technology.
\n\n5. Child Global Ambassador - Given the trends of "digitization" and "globalization", the children of tomorrow should have "communication skills", "adaptability", "professionalism", "practicality", and be able to move freely in the international arena. The communication skills should include learning international languages and having an international perspective to be able to see the world from Taiwan. The 2-3 minute bilingual units are designed to be based on topics that are happening in the world or are used in daily life, and the teachers are invited to have conversations with the children contextually so that the children can improve their English listening, speaking skills and global perspective.
\n\n6. Idiom Story - Select classical idioms to be told in story form so that children can learn and understand the meaning and application of idioms while listening to the story.
\n\n7. Come and read tonight - your most important book, it may be the first fairy tale your mother tells at your bedside, it may be a book that changed the direction of your life, it may be a book that taught you about yourself ....... For roughly 2 minutes, a principal or director of each primary school will recommend a book that is suitable for your child or that you are reading and loving, read and share.
\n',englishName:"Good Night! Story House",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Saturday and 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