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I have 7 years of experience as a Hakka radio program host and 5 years of experience as an event host. Currently, I work as both a radio broadcaster and an event host. As a young Hakka individual, I am deeply passionate about the Hakka language, culture, and its preservation.
\n",keywords:["客話人生","臺灣客語"],cover:"67848293611bf2000ad62219",squareCover:"639c212b484bbf00074f2fe2",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1671176501,updatedAt:1738660353,englishName:"Hakka Life-Time",englishTime:"12:05-13:00 every saturday",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:'Nowadays Taiwan has been under multiethnic groups! Hakka group has its own specific language and culture, but the numbers of people who speak Hakka has dropped sharply. Hakka is facing the crisis of disappearance of its language. The program will show the deep level and glory; besides, we’d like to arouse people to put great emphasis on Hakka culture and develop more listeners for Hakka.
\n\nSomething special about our program is that we invite children to take part in it, which has the purpose of continuing the language for Hakka by taking root downward!