\n\n• 〈青春留言版〉:
• 〈花漾藏青閣〉
\n\n科技時代下, 文字的浸潤,仍舊引著人們穿過知識的洪流,擺渡澄寂的心,航過生命的汪洋。因而本單元將透過社團或主持人選書,簡單導覽並推薦以青春日常景色,如煩惱、情思、興趣等為主題的古今文章或書籍。透過與聽眾分享字裡行間流轉的生命歷程、書上溢出的幾行青春,使古今心緒相映,一同走過生命中的路口。(芙戎)
\n\n• 〈青春放映室〉:
Senior high school students are invited to share their experience with school, club activities and events. In addition to introducing knowledge in the professional field, the value and trending cultures in the daily lives of high school students are talked about, so that listeners are able to understand more about the young people these days. The program inspires the public to pay attention to social issues and the diverse interpretation of professional fields.