The most important key to fostering competitiveness in the digital age is lifelong learning. Outdoor education that incorporates history and humanities, subject knowledge, and natural ecology allows learning of the real world, stimulates children’s curiosity, and enables children to learn of the land they are on, and the people, events and things on the land, further connecting the new 2019 curriculum to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
\n',keywords:["環境永續"],cover:"6209b5ba7e78b9000973f08d",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!1,createdAt:1606787766,updatedAt:1709878080,englishName:"Better Business Better Taiwan",englishTime:"Saturday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:"Grasp the sustainability trends and news updates internationally, from local to global, the topics include climate change, energy conservation, reduce carbon emissions, environmental protection, and a range of other issues. An in-depth introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is achieved, which cultivates a group of sustainable living audiences.