\n2. 大型晚會主持─
\n\n教育部第三、四屆師韻獎歌唱比賽 主持人
\n3. 配音作品─大遠百、夢時代、漢神巨蛋店內進客送客帶
\n4. 課程─大遠百客服人員、台糖量販客服人員聲音表情訓練課程
\n\n\n',photo:"621d7f4d7e78b9000978d494",onShelf:!0,createdAt:1518596913,updatedAt:1666763453,englishName:"Dong Niang",englishOpen:!1,programs:[{_id:"5a83f4e9c5fd8a01e2df006d",owner:["5a7713e4efcc4e00056e5eae","5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63"],radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"MIT職人寫真集",channels:["1","2","4","5","8","6","7","3","9"],categories:["5a8d13807e67c800059f325b","5a8d137a7e67c800059f3259"],hosts:["5a83f331fa594401cf74ba47","5a83f331fa594401cf74ba16","5a83f331fa594401cf74ba0f","5a83f331fa594401cf74b9bd"],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周六~日",start:"21:30",end:"22:00"},facebook:"",introduction:'
\n\n節目中我們將尋找隱藏在臺灣各個角落的職人,從平凡中挖掘不平凡的人事物。每一位職人都曾是豐富臺灣這片土地的重要養份,透過廣播節目我們將傳遞職人們特有的熱血與活力,紀錄Made in Taiwan最本土的打拼精神,就讓「MIT職人寫真集」帶領聽眾們一起體驗生命的精采與感動。
\n',keywords:["職人"],cover:"6209c2fa7e78b9000973f614",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!1,createdAt:1518597353,updatedAt:1644806908,englishName:"MIT Craftsmen Photo Album",englishTime:"Saturday to Sunday",englishOpen:!1,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1},{_id:"5a83f4eac5fd8a01e2df01fc",owner:["5a8e5a1b565344000691fa62","5a83dd86bd7e5000055426f9","5a8e634e565344000691fb5f"],radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbec",name:"Formosa 阮兜",channels:["5"],categories:["5a8d13807e67c800059f325b","5a8d13757e67c800059f3257"],hosts:["5a83f332fa594401cf74baad","5a83f331fa594401cf74ba47"],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每週六",start:"14:05",end:"15:00"},facebook:"",introduction:'節目就臺灣台語學習、地方人文、建築、歷史、飲食、農漁產業方面,邀請地方人士,將「台語」結合「環境」,做最棒的聽覺演出。
\n\n(三)「廟口講古」單元:臺灣地處亞熱帶夏天悶熱,過去廟埕前、榕樹下,常常是老人家乘涼聊天的地方,而跟著阿公、阿嬤到處溜轉的小孫子,自然也是廟口常客,聽著叔公、伯公開講說古,應該是很多人小時候的記憶。臺灣有許多的鄉野傳奇地方故事,說起來絕對不遜色於西方童話,聽西方童話,聽的是別人的故事 ,重拾古老廟口講古,讓我們聽自己的故事。
\n\n\n',keywords:["Formosa阮兜","臺灣台語"],cover:"61f114267e78b900096b649e",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!0,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1722475566,englishName:"Formosa Homeland",englishTime:"14:05-14:55 every Saturday",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:"
The program invites local people to talk about the learning of Taiwanese language, local communities and culture, buildings, history, food, agriculture and fishery industries, offering the best auditory performances.
\n\n\n',keywords:["董立","寶島散步","臺灣台語"],cover:"63a3fb8a484bbf0007511390",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!0,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1518597355,updatedAt:1722475545,englishName:"Formosa Island Stroll",englishTime:"14:05-15:00 every Monday to Friday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:'
Radio broadcasting is the least burdensome and easiest way to learn a language. If the radio program adds interesting and content that is close to life, it will attract the interest of listeners. The "Formosa Island Stroll" is a five-day a week continuous program broadcast, with light-hearted dialogues between the guests. It is like listening to the jokes of Uncles and Aunties under the banyan tree at the entrance of the temple or the ice-shaving store at the entrance of the alley. The audience will be part of it.
This program includes:
Broadcast time: 14:05-15:00 every Monday to Friday
\n',transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1},{_id:"61c172e138279900071306c8",owner:["5a8e634e565344000691fb5f","5a83dd86bd7e5000055426f9","5a8e5a1b565344000691fa62"],radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbec",name:"帕拿佐太太上英語",channels:["5"],categories:["5a8d13807e67c800059f325b","5a8d13757e67c800059f3257"],hosts:["5a83f331fa594401cf74ba47"],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每週一至週三;102年起每週三",start:"14:05",end:"15:00"},facebook:"",introduction:'Many foreigners love to come to Taiwan and many of them want to settle down in Taiwan. When we ask them the reasons, they always reply that Taiwan has picturesque scenery, a lush landscape, beautiful weather, an attractive social welfare system, charming food and, most importantly, “friendliness”. The “friendliness” refers not only to Taiwanese people’s kindness and honesty, but also to its high accessibility. It is especially so for foreign people because, no matter where they go, the world’s common language – English – can always be seen on road signs. Moreover, the “Blueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030” published by the National Development Council in 2018 has explicitly set the vision and goals of transforming Taiwan into a bilingual country by 2030. One of the driving ideas is to “weigh equally the bilingual policy and development of mother tongue culture”.
\nTherefore, learning English in a Taiwanese-speaking environment can quickly bring our foreign friends into Taiwan's folk customs, architecture and food; and further open the gate of globalization. Designed for Taiwanese-speaking people, this program welcomes all of you to learn everyday life English with us!
簾簷跤(ni5-tsinn5 kha)華語是屋簷下,在傳統四合院的大廳外,長條狀的屋簷即是簾簷,簾簷跤就是底下那一方小小的土地,雖是小小一方,卻是鄰居彼此分享農作物,農暇時或晚飯後,擺兩張小凳,家人或鄰居朋友 閒聊破豆的好地方。在這裡有大人們彼此交流農事、家庭,有在前埕嘻戲 ,偶爾累了坐到簾簷下聽大人說故事的孩子。所以簾簷跤除了遮雨功能,其實還是個交誼廳、星空故事館。
\n',keywords:["家庭教育","多元文化","臺灣台語"],cover:"61f1113c7e78b900096b6394",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1640068383,updatedAt:1722392257,englishName:"Strolling in Formosa – “ni5-tsinn5 kha”",englishTime:"Thursday and Friday 14:05-15:00",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:"In the Taiwanese language, “ni5-tsinn5 kha” refers to “under the eave”. Outside the main hall of the traditional Siheyuan (literally refers to four-sided courtyard house), the long eaves are “ni5-tsinn5” and the small land under it is known as “ni5-tsinn5 kha”. Although it is merely a small land, it is where people exchange agricultural products and a good place to place two stools, so that people can chat with family, neighbors or friends during farming breaks or after dinner. In this place, the grown-ups can chat about farming and family; and the children who get tired after playing in the courtyard also come here to listen to grown-ups’ stories. Therefore, apart from sheltering people from rain, “ni5-tsinn5 kha” is also a gathering place and storytelling place under the starry sky.
\nStrolling in Formosa – “ni5-tsinn5 kha” wants to create such an atmosphere and share family education. The reason is that, without pressure and schedule, such a place is the best and most effective education venue. In this program, we will talk about family education with Taiwanese sayings and modern affairs.
\nAs the saying goes: “leave pigs unchecked in a pig pen and they will climb up to the stove one day; treating children in an indulgent way and they will become unfilial one day” and “children who steal the melons from the farm will know how to steal cows when they grow up”. These are classic family educational sayings inherited from our ancestors. How to learn to be parents and educate our children to settle down physically and mentally in the information explosion, fast-paced and modern age are the most important lessons for us apart from raising them. Modern people often cut into education from a Western point of view. As a matter of fact, ancestral wisdom in education can be discovered in daily life. Overwhelmed by the fast-paced tempo of life, we can educate our children by taking the latest news from society or stories as an example. This is also a great opportunity for us to apply what we have learned and to combine the western and eastern wisdom of the old and contemporary days, providing a comprehensive education.