




Laila(Chin-Hui) Fan

Education:MS. Department of Television-Radio-Film, Syracuse University

Occupations: Writer and Director,Producer,Host

Book: The men meeting with Nature, The Journey of Ocean, Traveling along with the Lunar month…The Beckoning Silence, etc


Laila Fan(Chin-Hui Fan) is a famous documentary director, a nature writer, a radio and TV host in Taiwan. She started out her career as a documentaries filmmaker to spread her ideas about the environment. As a professional filmmaker, she directed and wrote the screenscripts for many ecology and wildlife documentaries. She has also written 7 books about how to love and respect the natural environment and inspire people to protect the world.  Laila Fan has started to produce and recorded the nature sound for her radio program—“Nature Note” in National Education Radio, which is an environmental education program, which won many times National Golden Bell Awards as the Best Education and Culture Program and Best Host of Education and Culture Program. She has a numerous audience and great inference in this field. Over 19 years, she has tried to find a truly undisturbed and peaceful place in Taiwan. However a lot of places are never quiet again. So Laila Fan established the Soundscape Association of Taiwan in 2015 which is the second soundscape association in Asia, Laila Fan was voted as the general director of SAT. She said: the main goals for SAT are to use artistic and cultural points of view to achieve harmonious development between humans and the environment, and to promote policies for the conservation of biodiversity on the basis of bioacoustics and related research.” She believed through her program, people will get more information about what she wantsto share with the world. As a nature soundrecorder, she hopes she can contribute to protect the nature soundscape she beloved in this land.




入圍記錄:金鼎獎最佳科學圖書獎、卓越新聞廣播採訪報導獎、2016台北國際書展非小說類書展大獎、以及9屆14項廣播金鐘獎入圍(2004年最佳社區服務節目獎及主持人獎、2007年最佳文教資訊節目獎及主持人獎、2011年單元節目獎、2012年最佳教育文化節目獎及主持人獎、2013年最佳教育文化節目獎及主持人獎、2014最佳教育文化節目主持人獎、2016年最佳教育文化節目獎及主持人獎, 2017年最佳教育文化節目獎 以及2020年最佳教育文化節目獎等)。


文字作品包括︰與自然相遇的人(1999晨星出版)、台灣生物曆(2001晨星出版)、海洋行旅(2006天下雜誌出版)、跟著節氣去旅行(2010遠流出版)、離家出走 - 一起去森林(2012林務局出版)、沒有牆壁的教室(2014時報出版)、搶救寂靜 - 一位野地錄音師的探索之旅(2015遠流出版),本書簡體字版,更名為:大自然聲景-一位野地錄音師的探索之旅(2016上海交通大學出版) , 另有繪本作品 -  會飛的禮物(2017 小典藏出版)。

