English For Fun
主題: Mongolian Nomads (蒙古遊牧民族)
說到蒙古,第一個映入眼簾的應該就是風吹草低見牛羊的大草原吧!那你了解他們的遊牧文化嗎? 今天就讓我們一起了解蒙古游牧民族的生活吧。
Mongolia is home to one of the world’s last surviving nomadic cultures, and these nomads still live in traditional ways.
Up to 40 percent of Mongolians live as nomadic herders.
They mostly live tens of miles away from the nearby communities, and live in harsh conditions taking care of their livestock with limited electricity power.
Mongolian Nomadic life is based on the herding of five types of animals: cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and horses.
The products obtained from these animals satisfy nearly all of the Mongolian family’s basic needs.
Nomadic movements of Mongol herders are not conducted randomly, but according to precisely-defined traditions.
- nomadic (adj.) 游牧的
- herder (N.) 游牧人 [herd 動物牧群]
- harsh (Adj.) 嚴峻的
- livestock (N.) 家畜;家禽
- cattle (N.) 牛
- obtain (V.) 獲得
- precisely (Adv.) 確切地;精確地