在自然科學的研究中,研究者必須具有蒐集原始資料及描述的能力。因此在專業的養成過程中,除了文字的撰寫外,透過圖像具體呈現研究證據或推論結果, 也是必要的訓練項目。在二十世紀之前、攝影技術和器材尚未普及的年代,許多自然科學家是繪圖高手,或是由科學家指導繪圖員繪圖,互相配合完成研究工作。今年邀請到曾前往美國進行科學繪圖進修的勻楷,分享這個學程的學習內容以及前往巴拿馬的實習經驗,這段經歷讓他在繪圖技巧上會有什麼樣的收穫呢?
English For Fun
主題:Collaboration Between Artists and Scientists (藝術家和科學家之間的合作)
The artists are sounding the alarm on global warming, through new works and collaborations with scientists.
Many artists' current and forthcoming works focus on environmental issues.
Rockman created the Great Lakes Cycle, which shows both the richness of the freshwater ecosystem and the threats it faces from industry and climate change.
Some artists such as Justin Brice Guariglia took this engagement a step further by working directly with scientists.
He joined a group of climate scientists on a trip to study permafrost in Alaska as an artist-in-residence.
For scientists, bringing along an artist can help their research reach a wider public. Artists are modulators of attention.
sound the alarm (+on) (Phr.) 拉響警報
collaboration (N.) 合作
forthcoming (Adj.) 即將發生的
richness (N.) 豐富;富饒
ecosystem (N.) 生態系統
engage ment (N.) 參與
modulator (N.) 調節者 (modulate 調節)