
President Tsai recommends a list of books in support of local authors

President Tsai recommends a list of books in support of local authors

President Tsai recommends a list of books in support of local authors

The 31st Taipei International Book Exhibition (TiBE) has resumed after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) attended the opening ceremony on Jan. 31 and called on audiences to visit the exhibition and support the creation of works by Taiwanese creators.


President Tsai posted a list of her favorite books on her Facebook page, which encompasses a wide range of genres such as history, literature, arts, comics, and more, specifically introducing an Amis-language picture book that was published in April this year. The book "'ati wawa' Amis-language Picture Books about Seasons" is a fundraising campaign initiated by Tamorak, Taiwan's first Amis-language community school. She noted that it is a series of 7 books that comes along with a voice pack featuring ten local languages of Taiwan, enabling children to learn better in their mother tongue naturally.


President Tsai hoped that by reading these books, people can gain a deeper understanding of Taiwan and the international situation, as well as recognize these exceptional creations in Taiwan. She emphasized that reading is a crucial way to seek answers and gain knowledge for a better life.


The 12 recommended titles by President Tsai:

1. Seeing: 48 Object Readers and Their Worlds (物見:四十八位物件的閱讀者,與他們所見的世界)
2. Visualizing Taiwan (看得見的臺灣史.時間篇:30件文物裡的日常與非常)
3. Hidden Champions: Ascent and Transformation (隱形冠軍2.0:中堅企業面對地緣政治的務實佈局,擁抱生態系與永續成長的新策略)
4. Torrent And Reflections (激流與倒影)
5. Rebirth from the Quake: Scientific Investigations of Risk and Institutional Resilience after the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan (巨震創生:九二一震災的風險分析與制度韌性)
6. Ghost Town (鬼地方)
7. The Song about Green: Gather the Wind (綠之歌-收集群風)
8. El pescador y su alma (漁夫和他的靈魂)
9. God Works in a Convenience Store, Volume 1 (神明便利商店1)
10. 'ati wawa' Amis-language Picture Books about Seasons (《ati wawa 來吧!孩子——在春天的歌謠裡萌芽》跟著季節學習的阿美語繪本)
11. To Rule the Waves: How Control of the World's Oceans Shapes the Fate of the Superpowers (海權經濟大未來:國旗跟著貿易前進,掌控貨櫃運輸,軍備戰略,電纜數據及海底能源才能成為世界霸權)
12. Silicon Island’s Crisis and Opportunity: Semiconductors and Geopolitics (矽島的危與機:半導體與地緣政治)

Source from - Ministry of Culture