The program guides listeners to listen, share, and reflect, with a focus on topics related to Earth sustainability and Nature conservation. It incorporates field pickup environmental recordings and takes listeners on visits to various places in Taiwan. The program starts with the elements of people, situations, time, place, and things, and is divided into five rotating segments.
\n",experience:"曾任: 國中地理老師
\n\n現職: 教育電台節目主持人及編導
\n",photo:"650cedf6d7d45b00077c5aba",createdAt:1609739799,updatedAt:1720605232,__v:0,englishName:"Chia-Ni Hsu",englishOpen:!1},{onShelf:!0,_id:"6478326392b024000816748d",name:"歐啦Ola",email:"",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/olaonjourney",introduction:'Love like you've never been hurt.
\nDance like nobody's watching.
\nSing like nobody's listening.
\nLive like it's heaven on earth.
\n– Mark Twain馬克吐溫
\n\n\n',keywords:["終身學習","法律","金融","防災","檔案","假消息","性別","動保","健康","消費","心理","國際","電影","音樂"],cover:"6734503b2cdfb400087c62f9",squareCover:"6697585e2cdfb400085724ca",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1703044636,updatedAt:1739239834,englishName:"Living On Love",englishTime:"Monday to Friday",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:"
With a lively morning rhythmic sensation as the foundation, a local caring attitude, and a transnational perspective as its essence, the program covers topics such as emerging technology trends, cultural creativity, the connection between land and people, civic literacy, and high-quality life experiences. It aims to provide a creative and warm modern citizen's perspective and intellectual interests.
\n",transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1}]},programList:{status:"normal"},programListFile:{status:"normal"},languageProgramCatalog:{status:"normal"},languageProgram:{status:"normal"},languageProgramList:{status:"normal"},member:{track:{data:[],count:0,fetching:!1,deletedId:""},playerTrack:{data:[],count:0,fetching:!1,deletedId:""}},news:{status:"normal"},newsCatalog:{status:"normal"},newsSource:{status:"normal"},bulletinBoardCatalog:{status:"normal"},bulletinBoard:{status:"normal"},govInfoCatalog:{status:"normal"},retirementCatalog:{status:"normal"},qaCatalog:{status:"normal"},linkCatalog:{status:"normal"},link:{status:"normal"},site:{status:"normal"},radio:{status:"normal"},introduction:{status:"normal"},slogan:{status:"normal"},award:{status:"normal"},bigSummary:{status:"normal"},otherService:{status:"normal"},monthly:{status:"normal"},opinion:{status:"normal"},qa:{status:"normal"},learningSheet:{status:"normal"},retirement:{status:"normal"},govInfo:{status:"normal"},advertisement:{status:"normal"},liveSlider:{status:"normal"},visit:{status:"normal"},host:{status:"normal"},english:{status:"normal",count:2,data:[{_id:"5ffbe1972372ef0007410826",key:"home_sites",title:"英文版首頁網頁推薦",content:"英文版首頁網頁推薦",preserved:{1:{title:"News",link:"https://www.ner.gov.tw/english/news",cover:"60053542dc3d070008849f0b"},2:{title:"Program On Demand",link:"https://www.ner.gov.tw/english/programSchedule",cover:"60053503dc3d070008849efe"},3:{title:"Program Overview",link:"https://www.ner.gov.tw/english/program",cover:"6005356fdc3d070008849f14"},4:{title:"APP Download",link:"https://www.ner.gov.tw/english/app-download",cover:"60053937dc3d07000884a066"},5:{title:"Application for a visit",link:"https://www.ner.gov.tw/english/visit-reservation",cover:"600536d0dc3d070008849f64"},6:{title:"Contact Us",link:"https://www.ner.gov.tw/english/contact",cover:"600539b8dc3d07000884a092"}},seq:7,onShelf:!1,createdAt:1610342807,updatedAt:1610955194},{_id:"5ffd00542d72880008a257ae",key:!0,title:"英文版首頁節目推薦",content:"英文版首頁節目推薦",preserved:[{type:"Program",id:"5c166af6f051c800063c409d",cover:"5c3c271514c50b0006e1ae65",name:"Magic English-Window on the World魔法英語看世界",englishName:"Magic English-Window on the World",detail:{owner:["5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5c19ebaf14c50b0006d862c4","5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63","5e61f40ad6fd9800063aed7b"],channels:["1","4","5","6","7","8","9","2","3"],categories:["5a8d13807e67c800059f325b","5a8d136e7e67c800059f3255"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5c1668adf051c800063c329d",name:"曾麗娜Lina、李壹明Joe",email:"",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/MagicEnglishMoFaYingYu/",introduction:'Lina
\n(Instructional Technology, San Jose State University, California, U.S.A.
\n1. 新北市新莊國中英語教師(1994-迄今)
\n2. 新北市教育電視台 空中教學英語科專屬錄製教師 (1997)
\n(共錄製150集 教學影帶)
\n3. 新北市教育局國教輔導團英語科團員(1996 -迄今)
\n4. 教育部中央課程與輔導教學諮詢教師(2009 -迄今)
\n5. 教育廣播電台”解題快譯通” “教改一點靈””基測百分百” 英語單元主講教師 (2001,2002, 2006-2009)
\n6. 教育廣播電台”Magic English”節目製作主持人(2002-2014)
\n7. 教育廣播電台技職百分百”Cool English”單元主講教師(2005- 2007)
\n8. 公視e4kids 英語教學節目, 教案編寫教師 (2005- 2006)
\n9. 教育資料館 補救教學影帶 (英語電力公司) 編寫錄製教師(2006、2008)
\n10. 教育資料館 補救教學影帶 (英語電力公司) 諮詢委員 (2007-2016)
\n11. 心測中心學習成就評量基準撰寫及審核委員(2011迄今)
\n12. 十二年國民教育英文科課綱研修委員(2014-2017)
\n13. 十二年國民教育英文科課綱教學示例模組撰寫教師(2014-2017)
\n14. 十二年國民教育總綱及領綱宣講種子講師
\n15. 各縣市英語文相關比賽(歌唱/讀者劇場/演講/說故事/寫作)評審
\n16. 國中(含大學師培中心)英文教學相關演講及工作坊講師
\n17. 教育部國中學習資源網、補救教學、Cool English英語科教材/測驗/自主學習平台編寫委員
\n18. 入圍廣電小金鐘最佳青少年節目主持人獎。(2005, 2006)
\n1. 臺北市立中正高級中學英文老師
\n2. 曾任臺灣師大英語文中心教師
\n3. 曾任臺北市立中正高級中學英文資優班召集人及英文科召集人
\n4. 國立教育廣播電臺Magic English主持人
\n5. 國立/市立英文相關比賽(戲劇/會話/歌唱/讀者劇場/演講/辯論)評審
\n6. 高中職及國中(含大學師培中心)英文教學相關演講及工作坊講師
\n7. 台北市酷課雲高中英文線上教學兼任拍攝教師
\n8. 台北市學科平台高中英文課程輔導員
\n9. 國家教育研究院英語文素養評量及成就評量審查委員
\n10. 心測中心國中英語素養評量審查委員
\n11. 國家教育研究院國中英語教學媒體編寫委員
\n12. 十二年國民基本教育學習支援系統建置與教師教學增能英文科補救教學種子老師
\n13. 十二年國民教育高中英文科課程模組撰寫老師
\n14. 十二年國民教育高中體育班英文科課綱及英文科課程手冊撰寫老師
\n15. 曾任高中英文學科中心資訊融入教學編寫委員
\n16. 曾任高中體育班英文教科書編寫委員
\n17. 曾任高職英文學科中心資訊融入教學顧問
\n18. 曾任國中學習資源網及COOL ENGLISH英語科教材/測驗/自主學習平台編寫委員及國中英語教科書編寫委員
《魔法英語看世界》給你滿滿的英語會話時間!你可以聽到具有英語教學背景的主持人:Lina & Joe 用清楚精準的發音,為你帶來最實用、最容易上手的英語會話!讓我們在輕鬆有趣的廣播節目氛圍裡,聆聽實用的英語生活會話,與Lina&Joe一起輕鬆聽、快樂說英語!
《魔法英語看世界》節目規劃「歌唱學英語」 (Let's Learn English Through Songs!)、「頭條新聞」 (Breaking News)、「國際英語聊天室」(Language Corner)等,同時邀訪來賓進行主題專訪,訪談對象包括學校交換學生、在台外籍師生、在台外籍人士或有海外生活經驗的人士談國內外新知、探討文化差異及分享生活趣聞。無論是要當背包客、或是工作有需要的朋友,歡迎一起來收聽《魔法英語看世界》!節目播出時間為每週三17:20-18:00
\nP.S. 節目不定時會開放Call in(通常是每個月最後一個星期三喔),也歡迎大家踴躍參與,一起在空中開口說英語!
\n\n◆星期三 17:20-18:00 國立教育廣播電台全國調頻網
\n\n臺北、桃園、高屏FM101.7 基隆FM100.1 宜蘭、彰化、臺中、雲林FM103.5 臺東FM102.9 花蓮FM103.7 玉里FM100.3 新竹、苗栗FM103.9 南投FM98.1 嘉南FM107.7 澎湖FM99.1 恆春FM99.3 金門FM88.9 馬祖FM91.5
Magic English: Window on the World exposes you not merely to the English language but also to global issues. You can listen to professional hosts, Lina and Joe, speak English with clear and precise pronunciation. You can also brush up on your English proficiency. Let's listen to useful English expressions and keep updated on world issues in a fun and relaxed atmosphere with Lina and Joe.
\n',englishName:"Magic English-Window on the World",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Monday"}},{type:"Program",id:"5c412e235300a70007e275ef",cover:"5cb4196bd62173000740a461",name:"Engcredible 英語奇育記",englishName:"Engcredible",detail:{owner:["5a83d681bd7e500005542688","5c0e1a7b32cd4e0006ce565b","5fc9999fa530430007b10ff6","5e61f40ad6fd9800063aed7b","5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63"],channels:["1","3","5","6","8","9","2","4","7"],categories:["5a8d136e7e67c800059f3255"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5c412ff25300a70007e29006",name:"台師大教育學系-王力億、儲詠潔、黃可竹、楊詠晴、林亮言、凃佑姍、陳睿妤、楊政澔、徐緹媚 ",email:"",facebook:"",introduction:"臺師大教育學系,一群熱愛英語及教育的師生,組成英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」廣播節目製播團隊,期待以學生活潑生動的節目風格,帶動年輕學生學習英文及關心國際文教資訊的興趣。
\n",photo:"5ffefabedc3d070008830ece",createdAt:1547775986,updatedAt:1714127851,__v:0,englishName:"DJ from the Department of Education,National Taiwan Normal University",englishOpen:!1,experience:""}],keywords:["英語","雙語","台師大","教育","校園"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!0,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5c412e235300a70007e275ef",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"Engcredible 英語奇育記",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/educationradio/",link:"https://channelplus.ner.gov.tw/viewall/699",podcastLink:"",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每週一",start:"22:00",end:"22:30"},introduction:"7/1(一)起禮拜一22:00-22:30播出
\n\n因應全球化潮流及科技進步,英語是連結世界的關鍵能力之一。為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,本臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目。
\n",cover:"668606672cdfb400085320ab",createdAt:1547775523,updatedAt:1720059500,__v:0,englishIntroduction:"In response to the trend of globalization and technological progress, English is one of the key abilities to connect the world. To improve English proficiency and create an English broadcast learning environment, the NERS is cooperating with the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University to produce and broadcast the English campus life information program "Engcredible-Learning English for Cultivation ".
\nThis program is produced by a team of teachers and students from the Department of Education of National Taiwan Normal University. The program is designed to include modules that share international, cultural and educational knowledge and interviews with personalities, and its content includes cultural and educational information, cultural exploration, daily life information, and campus folk songs collection, etc. The lively style of the multifaceted program is designed to stimulate young students' interest in learning English.
\n",photo:"6239193176f91a0007aa661b",createdAt:1545977207,updatedAt:1647909171,__v:0,englishName:"ZHANG JIAN,XIAO-YUN",englishOpen:!1},{onShelf:!0,_id:"5d50d7c9700e2b000633f4d5",name:"胡語姍",email:"karenhu0822@gmail.com",facebook:"",introduction:"東吳大學法律系畢,台北市福林國小家長會榮譽會長,台北市家長協會監事,芯福里情緒教育推廣協會志工及課程講師,國立師大附中家長會顧問,台北市高中學生家長會聯合會顧問,台北市高職學生家長會聯合會顧問。
\n6.「Hello everyone」英語甜點單元
\n週六英語單元「Hello everyone」內容將涵蓋家庭學校生活、旅遊、兒童繪本小說介紹、英文歌曲賞析、烹飪等生活化的主題,以中英文穿插解說的方式進行。期望以活潑有趣的內容和形式吸引聽友收聽,自然而然地對英語不再害怕排斥,引發親近與學習的興趣。
\n1.「Hello everyone」英語前菜單元
\nThe Parents Association in Taipei produces the "Partners in Education" program, which is an educational growth radio program for parents, hoping to provide parents with life-oriented educational information to serve them and enhance their ability to accompany their children in learning and growth, and to guide them to become good partners in education with the school.
The different modules are designed to meet the needs of weekend relaxation, and although they are policy-driven, they have more diversified contents to make parents easily absorb and understand, and achieve the purpose of two-way policy communication.
\n\nWith affinity and care as the keynote, the program content is produced and tailored to the educational needs of parents, and each module is planned to invite guests to explain profound theories in simple language for theme exploration. The program will provide parents with new concepts that are in line with the trend and at the cutting edge. The latter part of the program is divided into different modules, not only to grasp the current situation and provide parents with real-time educational information but also to achieve the purpose of educational entertainment.
\n\nSaturday’s program
\n\n1."Weekend Brunch News" Appetizer Module to help parents master real-time information
\nWe invite front-line educators, parent associations, educational and cultural charitable organizations to connect and report views of parent groups across the country, observe news incidents, local education events, and parents-children activities, to form a national platform for parent information exchange. This year, we will focus more deeply on the environment-friendly issues: in the face of an exploding population and an increasingly polluted environment, the Earth's resources have been severely depleted and climate warming is on the rise. While many scientists are working to halt the rise in Planet Earth’s average temperature, young heroes are coming to the forefront, Dutch teenagers and Swedish young girls are making admirable contributions by removing marine litter and calling on political leaders to take the issue of warming seriously. Let us inspire parents and children to care about the planet by providing them with more ideas and practical practices from educational and civic groups on environmental issues such as plastic reduction. Perhaps the next important solution to environmental protection will come from the youth of Taiwan.
2.“Parents Play Big” Main Course Module:
\nIn recent years, the birth rate in Taiwan has been declining year on year, and the new generation of parents is gradually adopting a different approach to parenting education and parent-child relationships. Through this module, we hope that the new generation of parents will have a broader perspective on parenting, parenting education, aesthetic cultivation, outdoor learning, parental growth, family health, parent-child co-learning and creative interaction. And that they will be able to cultivate their children's aesthetic and creative abilities and increase parent-child interaction so that they can experience a more diverse and energetic life together.
3.“Education Does Not Need To Shout At” Main Course Module:
\nWhen parents encounter an obstinate disobedient, they cannot help but blood boils while their decibel becomes higher and higher, a common experience for almost every family. Although it is said that every family, all, has a cross to bear, children will have situations that emerge in an endless way and parents would love to face problems with kind and pleasant countenance to solve them, so that Education does not need to shout at. This module will actively explore the parenting challenges that modern parents are experiencing through letters from listeners on the "Educating Partners" fan page, members of the Parents Association in Taipei and volunteers from the "Love You Forever Guard Team". We will also invite parental specialists to come to the program to discuss and solve the problems faced by parents.
4.“New Parents, Please Listen” Main Course Module:
\nNowadays low birth rate and the unwillingness of people to have more children, bringing up each child well and keeping them healthy and strong has added to the sweet burden of new parents.
\nHowever, no one is born a parent, and the parenting knowledge of the previous generation has been scientifically validated over the past 20 to 30 years, and new perspectives and recommendations are likely to have emerged. With the rapid advancement of technology, children's health is more susceptible to the effects and dangers of many new things. This module will bring together experts in medicine to help keep children healthy so that new parents can take better care of their children and keep our next generation fit and physically-strong.
5."Sunshine Reading Room" Dessert Module, introducing good feature books in various fields
\nIn the book section, we will invite experts, authors, recommenders, reading experts, and publishers to introduce international blockbuster books, parental growth, parenting education, creative development and body, mind and spirit balance.
\nWe will use exciting stories to attract the audience's attention and introduce the essence of the books to effectively enhance the reading habits of compatriots, arouse their interest in reading more deeply, and allow them to learn useful knowledge from the books immediately, from a simple 10-minute introduction, to enhance parenting and family harmony.
6.The "Love Lunchbox" Dessert Module, satisfying the hearts and stomachs of the family
\nA lunchbox is not just a lunchbox, it is also a treasure chest for your family's thoughts. In this age of fast food, where eating out is becoming more and more common and delivery services more and more convenient, parents are less and less likely to cook and are less and less aware of the nutritional value of lunchboxes. We will invite parents and experts who are passionate about cooking and food education, so that they can make the parent-child connection via the lunchbox, select ingredients and dishes with care, to introduce the nutritional value of seasonal ingredients according to the seasons. Design easy-to-use and delicious healthy dishes for young parents to meet the needs of children so that parents can be more comfortable in making love lunchboxes for their children when they are ready.
Sunday’s program
\n\n1.The "Parent Anchor Desk" Appetizer Module to keep parents up-to-date with the latest information
\nWe invite front-line teachers, educators from various fields, parent groups, educational and cultural public welfare organizations to link up and report on parent group policy responses, news events, local educational events, parent-child, and parent development activities, and local public welfare activities across the country, forming a platform for the exchange of parent information and activities.
2."Heartfelt Words from Mom and Dad" Main Course Module:
\nWith communication as the main axis of this module, we invite experts and scholars from various fields to discuss education policy, family education, family finance, physical, mental and spiritual balance, youth emotion and emotional management, career development, gender and couple communication, single-parent families, and seniors' LOHAS, etc. Conduct a topical discussion of current importance with lively dialogues, we hope that parents can learn simple, effective and correct knowledge about growing up, and acquire more diversified views to bring correct concepts to their children when they turn on the radio on a relaxing weekend morning.
3.“Sunshine Reading Room" Dessert Module, introducing good movies to all
\nWe recommend quality movies that are suitable for family viewing, hoping to achieve the goal of parent-child co-viewing and educational entertainment.
4.The "Arts and Culture Village Chief" Dessert Module, introduces the next month's artistic and cultural activities once every month.
\nThis module will be conducted monthly to share with the audience the recent artistic and cultural activities so that parents can take their children to watch arts and cultural performances or participate in activities during holidays, not only increasing parent-child interaction but also expanding diversified horizons and enhancing creativity. The introduction of artistic and cultural activities will include: performances, exhibitions, and art festival activities from different localities; venues include the National Theater, Concert Hall, Urban Stage, Wenshan Theater, Palace Museum, TFAM; the National Taichung Theater, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum in the central part of the country; the Weiwuying Metropolitan Park, the Dadong Arts Center, the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and the Chimei Museum in the south. We also hope to cooperate with relevant units to get the opportunity to give away tickets. The fan page offers a chance to win free tickets for those who leave a comment, encourage friends to visit the art exhibition, and at the same time drive the fan page interaction rate.
5."Hand in hand: A Tour Around Taiwan" Dessert Module, recommending nice places for parents and children to walk and read
\nParents and children will explore the local customs of Taiwan together. Through local companionship and five senses experience, humanities and positive power are naturally cultivated. From learning how to plan a trip, we will also learn how to communicate and coordinate to implement the quality of life and find the energy of love. Once a month, we invite our social education leaders or parent-child travel experts to share with the audience about parent-child travel, learning and playing together in outdoor education.
6. "Tracking the Curriculum Guidelines 2019" Dessert Module, bringing you up-to-date latest developments in the curriculum guidelines
\n Twice a month, we will invite officials from the K-12 Education Administration, university, general and vocational high school principals and teachers, lecturers and relevant staff from the Central Publicity and Instruction Team to explain the latest and most detailed content of the new curriculum guidelines in an in-depth and easy-to-understand manner. The program will also collect private messages from parents to ask related questions about the curriculum guidelines and will be integrated and answered for parents in the program.
Broadcast time: Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
主持人羅方翰(小Q)為台灣資深音樂產業工作者, DJ, 樂評人以及電台主持人. 曾任職多間唱片公司, 現為跨國音樂工作者,電台主持人, 音樂節策展人以及樂評人, 專業電音DJ.
\n\n廣播金鐘獎11年入圍,共入圍28項,曾於2013獲得最佳流行音樂節目獎(音樂地球村), 2015獲得最佳非流行音樂節目獎(音樂二三事)
\n\n2012年廣播金鐘獎最佳流行音樂節目, 最佳流行音樂節目主持人雙入圍
\n\n2018年廣播金鐘獎最佳流行音樂節目主持人入圍(音樂二三事), 最佳非流行音樂節目與主持人雙料入圍(電音新浪潮)
\n\n2019年廣播金鐘獎最佳類型音樂節目主持人與節目雙入圍(電音新浪潮), 最佳流行音樂節目主持人入圍(音樂二三事)
\n",createdAt:1518596913,updatedAt:1647835664,__v:0,photo:"6237fa0d76f91a0007aa1afb",englishName:"LUO,FANG-HAN",englishOpen:!1}],keywords:["流行音樂"],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!0,open:!0,overview:!0,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5a83f4eac5fd8a01e2df012c",name:"音樂二三事",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/DjLoXiaoq?fref=ts",introduction:"音樂二三事規劃每天不同的主題,讓帶狀節目有點狀節目的專業性與獨特性。主力介紹各國獨立音樂,其中也會介紹最新的流行歌曲\b。週一至週五每天節目主題規劃如下 : 【西洋航線】,介紹英美獨立音樂,以主題方式呈現。 【華語最發燒】 介紹華語獨立/流行音樂(國、台、粵、原住民),並以主題方式呈現。例如介紹2014年最精采的節奏藍調華語流行歌曲、華語電影主題曲推薦。 【聚焦日韓】 主力介紹日韓流行、獨立音樂,以主題方式呈現。【音樂地球村】,介紹英美日韓以外,其他地區的流行歌曲。例如北歐、歐洲、南美、中亞等地的流行歌曲。 【聽經典】,特別主力介紹2005年之前的經典獨立音樂\b、流行歌曲,並以主題呈現。如1990-2000華語百大專輯回顧、西洋搖滾名人堂。
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1702286287,__v:0,cover:"63bbafae379e5c00078d2640",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一~周五",start:"14:05",end:"15:00"},podcastLink:"",englishName:"Two to Three: Global Pop & Indie Picks",englishOpen:!0,englishTime:"Monday to Friday",englishIntroduction:""Music Information": With a different theme each day, the program is broadcast from Monday to Friday with the professionalism and uniqueness of Weekend Programs. The main focus is on independent music from different countries, with the latest pop songs being introduced as well.
Monday through Friday, the daily program themes are as follows: 【Western Songs Sailing Line】, introducing British and American indie music, presented thematically. 【Mando Pop Music】The most popular indie Chinese music (Chinese, Taiwanese, Cantonese, Indigenous) is introduced and presented thematically. For example, it introduces the most exciting rhythm and blues Chinese pop songs and Chinese movie theme songs recommended in 2014. 【Focus on Japan and Korea】 Mainly introducing Japanese and Korean pop and indie music and presented thematically. 【Music Global Village】 Introducing popular music from other regions outside the UK, US, Japan and Korea. For example, popular songs from Nordic countries, Europe, South America, Central Asia. 【Listen to the classics】, especially introducing the classic indie music and pop songs before 2005, and presenting them according to themes. Such as 1990-2000 Chinese Top 100 Albums Review, Western Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.
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